# Hotel-reservation-system
## 📝 Table of Contents
- [About](#about)
- [Getting Started](#getting_started)
- [Deployment](#deployment)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Built Using](#built_using)
- [TODO](../TODO.md)
- [Contributing](../CONTRIBUTING.md)
- [Authors](#authors)
- [Acknowledgments](#acknowledgement)
## 🧐 About
This is a hotel reservation system web application built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. The system allows users to browse available hotel rooms, make reservations, and manage their bookings.
## Features
. User Registration: Users can create an account to access the reservation system.
. User Authentication: Secure login system to ensure only authorized users can access the reservation features.
. Room Listing: Display a list of available hotel rooms with details such as room type, price, and amenities.
.Room Search: Users can search for rooms based on their preferences, such as room type, dates, and number of guests.
.Reservation: Users can select a room, specify the booking details (check-in/check-out dates, number of guests), and make a reservation.
.Booking Management: Users can view and manage their existing reservations, including editing or canceling bookings.
.Payment Integration: Integration with a payment gateway to handle secure online payments for room reservations.
.Admin Panel: An admin interface to manage rooms, reservations, and user accounts.
## 🏁 Getting Started
First we have write the code and we have to complie the code whether it was working good after that we have to import the code to xamp folder in that htdocs after than we have to run the server and we have to open the phpmyadmin server and after we have import the sql file in to it and after we have to run the server.
# Development Steps
To check the live website (https://ramkalyangunimanikala.github.io/Hotel-reservation-system/)
### Prerequisites
# Tools and technologies used
.HTML: Markup language used to structure the web pages.
. CSS: Styling language for designing the user interface.
. JavaScript: Adds interactivity and dynamic behavior to the web application.
. PHP: Backend scripting language for server-side processing and database interactions.
. XAMPP Server: Local web server software package that includes Apache, MySQL, and PHP for local development and testing.
# Installing
1. Clone the repository or download the source code.
2. Install XAMPP server on your local machine.
3. Move the project folder to the htdocs directory of your XAMPP installation.
4. Start the XAMPP server and ensure Apache and MySQL services are running.
5. Import the database schema and sample data into your MySQL database.
6. Update the database connection settings in the PHP files to match your local setup.
7. Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost/Hotel-Reservation-System to access the application.
### After creating a database
Open another tab on your browser and browse the URL “http://localhost/Hotel-Reservation-system/” to see the website homepage or browse the URL http://localhost/Hotel-Reservation-system/admin/ for admin login page.
## 🔧 Running the tests
When we run the server it will show the home page and the features what the website will contain on it.And in the we can check the rooms which are avialbile and we can book the hotel rooms which are vacant and we see the price of the rooms and after the we can open our admin panel and we can check and confirm the order and whether the order is completed or not.
### And coding style tests
CSS – contains the website styling or design. Located in the main folder. Change website colors here.
JS- contains the JavaScript files.
ADMIN – contains all the pages in the admin panel. This folder contains the php file; here you can configure your server
settings like server host, server name, pass and db name.
IMAGES – contains the images used in the site.
Main folder contains the about us, contact us and other frontend files.
## 🎈 Usage
Download the xampp application in to pc.
Copy the folder which we have wrriten the code and paste it in “C:/xampp/htdocs” directory
Open your installed XAMPP control and start Apache and mySql.
Open your browser and browse the URL or path “http://localhost/phpmyadmin/”, the phpMyAdmin page will open.
When the page opens, you create a new database when you click on New on the left screen side.
Then create a database with name “hotel_db” and click on create.
Click the import tab.
Click on the browse file and select the file named “hotel_db.sql” found in the database folder we extracted then click on GO.
Open another tab on your browser and browse the URL “http://localhost/Hotel-Reservation-system/” to see the website homepage or browse the URL http://localhost/Hotel-Reservation-system/admin/ for admin login page.
## 🚀 Deployment
After completing the coding working and and the sql file has import to phpmyadmin server we have to run the local machine with the local host (“http://localhost/Hotel-Reservation-system/”). And for the admin purpose we have to run the server with the local host (http://localhost/Hotel-Reservation-system/admin/ )
## ⛏️ Built Using
- [Mysql](https://www.Mysql.com/) - Database
- [Php](https://www.java.com/) - backend
- [Html](https://www.Html.com/) - Frontend
## Contributions
Contributions to the project are welcome. If you find any bugs or want to suggest enhancements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
## 🎉 Acknowledgements
- skill-lync